Bible Study-lesson #8

Hello Adventurer’s! 

Lesson 8 is finally here! Sorry it took so long. Last post I said my life was going 90 mph, well now it’s around 110. But I need to make sure I ALWAYS make time for Christ and this is one of the ways I can do it. 

Today we will read Ephesians 2:8-17

Ephesians 2:8-17

First, let’s start with this. 

Ephesians 2:8-9

“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

Stop and think about these verses.

We have been saved through grace and faith. Not by anything we have done or will do! Christ saved us! It is a gift God freely gave to us. 

He died on the cross for every one of our sins! All the sins we have committed, we are committing, and will ever commit. 

We are the manship of Christ, created in Christ for good works. We were created to do the will of Christ, to make disciples of Christ. We don’t make the diciples, Christ gives us the words and the wisdom to make them for Christ and His will. 

Once we were lost to our sin, but Christ has found us and brought us to Him. He saved us. 

( “Lost get Found”, Britt Nicole”)

He is our peace.

Then look at Ephesians 2:17

And He came and preached peace to you who were far away, and leave to those who were near” 

He is the peace. To everyone who comes to Him. For those near and far, everywhere and anywhere. 

Never be afraid to go to Christ. He is ALWAYS there for you. Near or far. 


Come back tomorrow (Lord willing) and read bible study lesson 9! Hope you enjoyed this lesson and will come back for the next. Which will come from 1 Peter. Stay tuned.

Have a great evening my friends! God bless you! 

“Face life head on, and one day at a time.” 

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